This time regarding growing vegetables in Vietnam and the Vietnamese vegetable planting schedule. Do you want to cultivate your own vegetables in Vietnam ? Then you'll need to read the rest of this post to learn how to cultivate veggies in Vietnam. We'll go over all of the prerequisites for growing vegetables in Vietnam in this article.
Growing Vegetables in Vietnam : An Overview
Growing your own vegetables is a rewarding and pleasurable experience. All you need is some well-drained soil and a few veggie plants to get started. However, in order to be a good organic vegetable grower, you must first grasp what it takes to keep your plants healthy and vigorous. Vegetable gardening is a relaxing activity that can provide you with fresh, tasty vegetables. It provides many of the same benefits as other gardening initiatives, such as exercise, fresh air, landscape enhancement, and enjoyment. Incorporation supports a diverse and nutritious diet at a lower cost by lowering food expenditures more than the costs of cultivating veggies. Furthermore, many gardeners report that their home-grown produce tastes better than store-bought vegetables, owing to the freshness and variety of possibilities.
Let's continue with following steps
What Is the Best Way to Sow Direct Seed ?
You can speed up germination by watering new vegetable seedlings with a dilute solution of organic manure or compost tea as a substitute for using clear and clean water. Seedlings will withstand the shock of final transplanting to the open garden much better if direct seed is sown indoors in a paper towel or peat pots that can be set directly in the garden ground, simply because the root system will be less injured than if the root ball from the beginning tray is taken up. If you're transferring seedlings from trays to containers, do so once the first true leaves appear.
What is the best way to transplant seedlings ?
Ensure the well-drained soil in the garden has been prepared in advance when it's time to transplant a seedling to the open garden ground, whether you start with seedlings purchased from a garden center. Before you begin transplanting, ensure that the holes are correctly spaced. Plant vegetable plants in the garden no deeper than they were in the cold frame or hotbed. Set the seedlings even with the well-drained soil of their former containers if they're in paper towel or peat pots. This will help prevent stem rot, which can occur when dirt is banked too high around vegetable plants.
What factors should be considered when selecting a high-quality soil ?
You know that plants get their nutrients from well-drained soil, it only makes sense to improve it. Organic mulch is one of the finest strategies to improve well-drained soil. You can make something out practically anything; straw, for example, is great for vegetable gardens. Simply apply it on a calm day and thoroughly water it to weigh it down. Because it pours down on the straw without disturbing it. Maintain the moisture in the straw until it forms a cohesive mass in your food garden.
What is the best way to get enough sun exposure ?
In a location with less than half a day of sunlight, just a few vegetable plants can thrive. If your garden receives more partial shadow than direct sunlight, you may need to relocate it to another part of the yard. Before you begin planting, observe various sections of your backyard throughout the day to see which receives the most sunlight. Your crops will satisfy you if you take the time to start a garden the appropriate manner.
How to maintain proper watering for cultivation ?
Vegetables benefit from a regular watering routine. If you only offer a little water, you may not get any vegetables at all. If you use too much, you risk drowning the roots and causing damage to the fruit. Use irrigation at ground level to ensure consistent watering and to deliver even moisture to the vegetable plants' roots. Connect your water hose to a programmed timer to make things easier. Set it and forget it when it comes to some of the more labor-intensive vegetable growing techniques.
From those facts you can get a basic knowledge about vegetable cultivation in Vietnam. In fact I get a lot of visitors to my blog from Vietnam. That's why I did write this article. So don't forget to comment your idea below. Also let me know if you want more articles on gardening in Vietnam.